My Story at Autodesk

- 3 mins

Credit to my mentor Mitchell Mikusek

I will always remember the days I had at Autodesk.

I will never forget my daily haagen dazs and foosball practices.

I will never forget the evening when my project started working.

I will never forget all those interesting white boards designs we have done.

I will never forget all those rehearsals and practices for my intern presentation.

What have I done during my 12-week internship at Autodesk?

  1. A full stack project
    • Tech Stack: React, AWS, Autodesk Forge
    • Purpose: Internal tool for Agile related metrics, accessible to all agile coaches and leadership
    • Outcome: This app serves all leadership and aigle coaches, offering metics of more than 70+ teams.
    • Basic Functions:
      • Able to auto fetch data, analyz and then push to front end weekly.
      • User authentication using Autodesk Forge service.
      • Classified confidentail data visibility to different group of users.
    • Future Work: Build a machine learining model for predicting future performance of teams.
  2. An inner source project
    • Tech Stack: React
    • Purpose: For sharing my experience of utilizing Autodesk HIG React Components and other best practices.
    • Outcome: Still got updated about stories about how this project helped other developers after I left.
    • Bacis Functions:
      • Examples of Autodesk HIG React Components as a complement to storybook.
        • Charts.
        • How to combine multiple HIG Components.
      • Examples of tests for React.
      • Examples of configurations for CI/CD pipelines.
    • Future Work: The project is undergoing legal process for becoming open source.
  3. An Artifactory monitoring system
    • Tech Stack: Python, Groovy (Jenkins), Docker
    • Purpose: For monitoring the connection of Artifactory and Jenkins.
    • Outcome: Became part of one the real product.
    • Basic Functions:
      • Tests for logging Artifactory from Jenkins.
      • Tests for pulling generic Artifacts from Artifactory from Jenkins, acheived by testing in Python environment created from a Docker image on Jenkins.
      • Tests for pulling Docker images from Artifactory from Jenkins, acheived by testing directly on Jenkins.

What I have learned from my internship at Autodesk?

  1. Technical
    • React
      • Pros: Reusable Components, No need to rerender whole page(Virtual DOM).
      • Cons: Too many lines of codes if moving to Redux (too many boilerplate codes).
    • Jenkins/Docker/Artifactory
      • The brilliant architecture, cause it’s not possible to test pulling a Docker image in a Docker environment.
      • Got deeper knowledge of CI/CD pipelins and Docker.
      • Picked up how to write JenkinsFile and DockerFile.
    • Best practices
      • Test-driven development or paying tech debt.
      • Git/Collaboration.
      • Work in an iterative way.
      • CI/CD.
      • Peer Programming and white board designs.
  2. Professional
    • Work with multiple teams
      • Worked as a team member in Autodesk Agile&Transformation Team.
      • Worked closely with Autodesk HIG Team.
      • Worked with security team of Autodesk Forge.
      • Worked with Autodesk Orchestration Team.
    • Intern presentation
      • Presented 5min to leadership from Autodesk MCP and other guests.
    • Intern Olympics
      • Played foosball representing MCP Department and made it to semi-quater.


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