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Welcome to my website~

This is Yiyang, and you can call me YY. I am a Computer Science graduate student at Columbia University, and I am graduating this December.

I just finished my summer internship at Autodesk, where I worked in the Engineering Practice Group, a group facilitating best engineering practices across Autodesk. I was exposed to all kinds of best practices, including agile practice, exploring open/inner source opportunities, test driven development, white board designing, peer programming, CI/CD pipelines.

What makes me proud of my internship is bringing value and following these good practices at the same time. I have worked on a React web app, which came with a side inner source project. The React web app shows internal agile statistics. The inner source project is for exhibiting all best practices that could help other React developers inside Autodesk. Even after I finished my internship, I still get updates about people found some solutions they are looking for from the inner source project. I do enjoy the happiness of helping others, and for the greater good, we are trying to make this project open source.

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