OAuth and OpenID

- 2 mins

OAuth 2.0



OAuth 2.0 Flow - Authorization code

  1. Starting the flow
 client_id     = abc123&
 redirect_uri  = https://yelp.com/callback&
 scope         = profile&
 response_type = code&
 state         = foobar

Note: You use state to identify that the callback from the authorization server matches the request sent. If there wasn’t state, a attacker could just call your callback url with a random access token that you didn’t request. With state you know that the called callback is in response to the request you made.

  1. Calling back
 error             = access_denied&
 error_description = The user did not consent.
 code             = oMasIaQmq23Tp13&
 state = foobar
  1. Exchange code for an access token
POST www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v4/token
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

code          = oMasIaQmq23Tp13&
cliend_id     = abc123&
client_secret = secret123&
grant_type    = authorization_code
  1. Authorization server returns an access token
    "access_token": "fFAGRdJurlFtz70BzhT3dg",
    "expires_in"  : 3920,
    "token_type"  : "Bearer",
  1. Use the access token
GET api.google.com/some/endpoint
Authorization: Bearer fFAGRdJurlFtz70BzhT3dg

The resource server would Validate Token and Use token scope for authorization.

OpenID Connect

OAuth misused in different senarios

Problems before OpenID Connect

  1. No standard way to get the user’s info.
  2. Every implementation is a littile different.
  3. No common set of scropes.


What OpenID Connect adds


OpenID Example

  1. Start the flow
 client_id     = abc123&
 redirect_uri  = https://yelp.com/callback&
 scope         = openid profile&
 response_type = code&
 state         = foobar
  1. Exchange code for access token and ID token
POST www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v4/token
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

code          = oMasIaQmq23Tp13&
cliend_id     = abc123&
client_secret = secret123&
grant_type    = authorization_code
  1. Authorization server returns access and ID tokens
    "access_token": "fFAGRdJurlFtz70BzhT3dg",
    "id_token"    : "eyJraB03ds3F...",
    "expires_in"  : 3920,
    "token_type"  : "Bearer",

Note: ID token is usually JSON Web Token (JWT).

OpenID changes the situation

OpenID Example

Use OAuth 2.0 for Authorization

Use OpenID Connect for Authentication:


  1. OAuth_and_OpenID_Connect_in_plain_English_v1.6_KCDC.pdf
  2. OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect
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